Make Money With A Try And Buy Jewelry Program

Secrets Of Selling Jewelry Like Crazy At Shows, Fairs, And Festivals.

You can make more money with your jewelry business with a try and buy

A try and buy jewelry program essentially consists of allowing your
customers to try out the jewelry for a few days, and then deciding
if they want to buy the jewelry.

You can approach the business a few different ways.

One option is to have the customers make a full payment,
but hold on to the money for 3 days, until the customer
decides if they want to keep the jewelry.

Another approach is to take a deposit that covers your cost, and
ask for the remaining payment once the customer has decided to
keep the jewelry.

The final option, which should only be used with
customers that you are very familiar with, and
trust completely, is to give them the jewelry on
credit, and only ask for payment once they
have decided to keep the jewelry.

While these approaches can dramatically increase your
jewelry sales, they also have the potential for loss,
so use them wisely.

Secrets Of Selling Jewelry Like Crazy At Shows, Fairs, And Festivals.

Donny Lowy
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